Key Stage 1 Art

New York with Year 1 and 2

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In Year 1 and 2 we have been learning about New York exploring the shape and form of the cities skyline. We also focused on primary and secondary colours, learning how to find the exact colour we want. Using a range of different materials including cellophane to make window displays, charcoal to smudge with, paint to print with and ink with feathers to draw with.

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One of our highlights has been learning about Phillipe Petite as The Man Who Walked Between the Towers. Asking our classmates to pose so we can add them to our drawings of New York, we focused on getting all our legs and arms the right size.

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At the end of the term, we held an exhibition, inviting parents to come and see all the great work we’ve made. We also had some activities including making spinning wheels, they helped us practice body proportions on one side and on other when spun created some really interesting blends of colours.

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