Trotwood Virtual School

11 May 2020

Daily Message

Mad about minibeasts

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This week Ms Berveridge is going to tell you the story of Mad about Mininbeasts. Have a listen here.

Then have a go at some activities below.

Have fun!

By the end of this week you will also be mad about minibeasts.

This week’s suggested timetable is here



Let’s go on a bug hunt.

Today see if you can make your own bugs and hide them around the house. Can you describe where you found the bugs. E.g. ‘“I found the snail on top of the table.”

Here is Mrs Harris on her bug hunt. Can you help her?



Mrs Harris has a bag and in her bag there are some bugs. Click here to watch the video.

Some bugs seem to have got away from Mrs Harris. Have a go at making your own bugs.

Then you can play this game at home.

Trotwood Virtual School

12 May 2020

Daily Message

Click here here for a silly poem to start your day with a smile.

Click here to watch the video.

Can you learn this poem?

Today is about having fun with Miss Gordon, exploring words and then going on an adventure with some minibeasts.

This week’s suggested timetable is here



What is in front and behind your house?

In maths today Miss Gordon is going to take you on a journey. Can you help her to get the minibeasts to the other side of the garden?

Click here to watch the video.


Can you play a similar game using all the directional and positional language you have been practicing?

Send in your photos and videos.



Trash or treasure.

Play this great game with Miss Gordon and some strangely named bugs.

Can you help to correctly label her bugs?

Click here to watch the video.

Now it’s your turn. Can you make some words and play this game with someone at home?

Send in your pictures or videos.

Trotwood Virtual School

13 May 2020

Daily Message

Good morning.

We hope you are ready to explore the world of art and shape today with Matisse and his famous Snail portrait.

Here is a snail song to get the day off to a slithery start.

Now follow the trail and have fun!

Here is a poster to help you learn the song.

Remember today is WOW Wednesday. Please fill our inbox with all the fabulous work you have done so far this week.

This week’s suggested timetable is here



Today we are exploring the story of a snail made by the artist Matisse.
Listen here to the story of the snail finding its portrait.

Download 9

Mrs Harris is going to show you how she made her own snail picture. Click here to watch the video.

  • Can you demonstrate how you made your snail?
  • Can you give instructions so someone else can make it?

Send in your pictures and videos.



Take your art on a story.

Can you make up your own snail trail story?

What journey is your minibeast going on?

Here is Mrs Harris’s story.

Below is some vocabulary you can use in your story!

Journey, trail, adventure, events, what happens?

Send in a video or picture of your story.

Trotwood Virtual School

14 May 2020

Daily Message

Worms! There’s a worm at the bottom of my garden… Today is all about worms with Mrs Lambert.

Can you sing a song about worms?

Before you go have a listen here to Mrs Jamois read you a book about a garden!

This week’s suggested timetable is here



I can only draw worms. Here is a great story about worms.

Mrs Lambert has a great wormy maths activty. More fun with worms.
Enjoy! Click here to watch the video.

Can you make some worms and arrange them in a numberline?



Today is all about mark making with Mrs Lambert.

Are you ready to get your fingers
Workout your wiggly fingers with some worms.
The worms are going to help Mrs Lambert with her sounds.

Don’t forget to warm up first!

Click here to watch the video.

Have a go at making some letters with worms.

Can you write your name with worms?

Trotwood Virtual School

15 May 2020

Daily Message

Nursery Rhymes:
Here is a great story about why Incy was trying to climb that spout. Have a listen and then explore more about spiders and nursery ryhmes.

here is this week’s celebration video. Thank you for all your hard work. Keep sending in your pictures and videos.

Here is poster telling you about next week.

Have a great weekend

This week’s suggested timetable is here



Here is a great game to make and play at home. THe magic number is 8. See who wins between Twinkle and Mrs Harris

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Click here to watch the video.

When playing this game can you use all the vocabulary below:
Landing positions, on, in, far, close, how many altogether?



How to make a nursery rhyme book. Remember how Lulu did hers.

Here it is if you would like to have a listen again.

Today’s activity is to make your own Nursery rhyme book.

Start with your favourite nursery rhyme.

Here is Mrs Harris showing how she started to make her book…

Here is a great poster about spiders



Please feel free to conctact us. We can not wait to hear about all your adventures at home.

Today's English


Click Here

Today's Maths


Click Here

Song of the week


Miss Gordon’s bug boggie. Are you ready to sing along with Miss Gordon?

You are going to have lots of fun meeting some bees and a tiny caterpillar.

Click here to watch the video.

Art & Music


Mrs Jamois is going to show you how to turn junk into minibeasts.
We are looking forward to seeing all your minibeats! Have fun!

Click here to watch the video.

Lists of things you will need:

  • old cardboard
  • hot water
  • to squeeze away
  • to blend
  • to squish
  • to have a good play before settling on making a bug
  • Tooth picks for legs.
  • Paint if you have some
  • paintbrush

We will be singing an ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ for your minibeasts sing along this week. Click here to watch the video.

Understanding the world


Making a wormery with Mrs Lambert

Click here to watch the video.

Bee hotel

Join Mrs Balderson on her daily walk. Today she came across a bee hotel. She then would like to share her information book all about bees. There are many different types of bees.

Click here to watch the video.

Have a go at drawing a bee and include one of the facts you learned from Mrs Balderson.

If you would like to go on a bug hunt you may like to take the Woodland trust bug hunt sheet (here ) with you to help you identify the different bugs you may come across.



Yoga with Miss Fraser. This week we are exploring young pretzels.

Enjoy new breathing styles like bumble bee and learn the new bend, river. Click here to watch the video

Click here for the guide.

Mrs Lambert’s disco playdough. Oh Yes, dough disco! Click here to watch the video.

Click here for this week’s Dance lesson with Delene.



It’s French Rhyme Time with Mrs Jamois again.

Here we will learn a song about planting cabbages that helps us learn the names of different parts of the body.

Click here to watch the video.

  • Grain- seed
  • Choux- cabbage
  • Doit- finger
  • Pied- foot
  • Genou- knee
  • Coude- elbow
  • Fesses- bottom



Ruby’s Worry.

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We all get worried at sometime or another. Listen to how Ruby dealt with her worry and then have fun making your own worry buster with Mrs Harris. Click here to watch the video.
We would love to see your worry busters so please share them with a photo or video.

Previous Lessons

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