Summer Term Coffee Morning Presentations

Thank you everyone for attending our busy season of Coffee Mornings! I hope they have been helpful and you have enjoyed them as much as we have enjoyed delivering them!

Below are links to all of the sessions we have run this summer term:

Autism: Makaton, Visuals and Timetabling

Dyslexia: What works?

Emotional Wellbeing and Resilience

Working Memory

EY and KS1 Language Enrichment and Engaging in Play


Friendship Week – Big friend, little friend!

Today, as part of our annual Friendship Week every child in the school partnered up with an older/younger child to take part in ‘big friend, little friend’. Children from Year 6 partnered up with Year 2, Year 5 visited Year 1, Year 4 partnered with Nursery children, and Year 3 went to Reception.

The children worked on a range of activities from writing stories about friendship to reading together, making friendship bracelets to playing board games. The children found the experience engaging, educational and socially enriching.

Teachers throughout the school have also been celebrating friendship week by leaving gifts, cards and generally being extra-supportive of their ‘secret friends’, drawn from a ballot. The message, for both adults and children, is that we can and should always try to do more to make the world a friendlier place.

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Angel Express! Our Early Years Winter Show

Well done to all the boys and girls and adults in Little Dorrit and Gargery – last we all enjoyed your confident singing, dancing and clear speaking. Lots of children overcame their nerves and stood proudly in front of a very large audience! Thank you to all the parents who came to watch and who provided such beautiful costumes.

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Trotwood Class Assembly!

Trotwood have been learning about the farm .
The children enjoyed retelling the story of Farmer Duck so much they decided to base their assembly on a retelling of the story. The children were confident to sing, act out and share some knowledge about making butter. Thank you to all the parents for getting involved in the churning of butter. It tasted delicious and only took ten minutes to make.

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Bockett’s Farm

We had a wonderful time at Bockett’s Farm in Surrey! From riding a tractor, milking a goat, watching pig racing to stroking baby goats the children loved being on a working farm. They were an absolute credit to our school as they treated the animals so kindly and were extremely safe on our school trip. One of our favourite moments was cheering on the victorious pig, in the pig race, called Voldesnort!

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Music Assembly

WOW – today the school was treated to two superb performances by the choir, guitar and ukulele clubs! They played and sung wonderfully in front of Key Stages 1, Key Stage 2 and Early Years. Both songs were instantly recognised by the children who battled hard against the urge to sing along!

Luckily, we got to sing along at the end which sounded beautiful! Well done to all of the singers, musicians and adults involved. It was an absolute delight!

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Reception Assembly!

We are very proud of our children as they learnt the words to every song and came up with their own choreography! This was especially awe inspiring as they did not have a lot of time to learn their lines after the holiday. The children really engaged with Meerkat Mail; a tale about a meerkat that gets itchy feet but after a voyage of self discovery realises how lucky he is to have a wonderful family!

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