P.E. Curriculum
We believe that P.E. is an integral part of the curriculum, allowing children to experience various sporting activities and competing at different levels and abilities both in and outside the school. All pupils have at least two hours plus P.E. per week. We encourage all children to participate in all lessons and events and offer a varied range of activities to suit all abilities. The school also offers a large number of after-school sporting activities, some of which are open to all children and some are only available to children who have shown a skill in that sport.
Nursery and Early Years
PE is a very important part of learning and children become more confident using gross motor skills. By the end of their time in Reception class, they will have good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. They move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. Children will be able to use various pieces of apparatus. Pupils have 1 taught PE lesson inside focusing on dance or gymnastics. Pupils have continual access to large climbing equipment, bikes scooters, balls, and large building blocks.
KS1 follows a two-year cycle for P.E. We encourage and motivate all children to participate during the sessions and we offer a broad curriculum to enable all children to feel motivated and comfortable in all areas of P.E. these including dance, gymnastics, ball skills and a continued focus on coordination and teamwork. We use the Val Sabin scheme of work. Children have the opportunity to compete against other schools. This year children will be participating in 2 Multi skills events. All pupils are assessed regularly and in Year 3, pupils demonstrating an aptitude for sport are assessed externally and offered training and competition opportunities outside school.
KS2 pupils follow an annual cycle which ensures they have 1 hour of dance or gymnastics and 1 hour of field sports or swimming. Swimming is taught to pupils in year 3 and 4 at Guys Hospital Pool. Gymnastics is now well embedded in the school throughout KS2 following British Gymnastics Association (BGA) lessons and children are very enthusiastic and motivated to take part at all levels and abilities.
In years 5 and 6 children also have boxing lessons which focus on hand-eye coordination, strength and self-discipline. These are led by our qualified boxing coach
KS2 pupils have wider opportunities to attend competitive events and tournaments outside of school. The school has a very good relationship with Bacon’s Sports Partnership, who provide us with an events calendar and competitions.
Extra Curricular Coaching
We offer after-school clubs for gymnastics 3 nights of the week, 2 of the classes are for all children and one is an invitation-only class for those who have shown gymnastic ability beyond their age. These classes are taken by fully qualified BGA coaches and work towards the British Gymnastics Awards.
We offer after-school coaching for football, rugby, mini-trampolining, multi-skills and cricket.