Uniform Policy
We believe that a school uniform is important:-
- It looks smart
- Wears well
- Contributes to a sense of belonging and
- community
- Gives a common purpose
- Makes children feel equal to their peers in
- terms of appearance
- Fosters a feeling of pride
- Is designed with health and safety in mind
This is our whole school ethos
Nursery children – either in 2 Year old or 3 / 4 Year Old Provision can wear red, yellow, green or blue sweatshirts and polo shirts with the school logo.
Children can wear any colour bottoms whether shorts, skirts etc (jogging bottoms are very practical for small children).
Shoes should preferably have Velcro fastening as children often take their shoes off during the school day. Laced shoes are not permitted.
Parents are asked to ensure that all items are labelled clearly with their child’s name.
For safety reasons we ask that the children do not wear any jewellery in our Nursery provisions.