The Eisteddfod was our biggest highlight of the week and the level of enthusiasm and talent was higher than ever. So many children had made an effort to enter one of the many competitions and every entry was celebrated and judging was very difficult. Well done also to everyone who dressed up in either traditional clothes or the colours of their heritage or country.
Perhaps what was most exciting about this year is that we had a whole host of new winners who had either never entered or never won a rosette before. Congratulations to everyone who entered and thank you to the parents who supported and encouraged them. All these events take time for the children but also time and resources from parents so we are very grateful.
Thank you to Ms Alcock and all the staff who have supported her in making Eisteddfod happen again this year!
Some, but not all of the performances included:
Dance In KS2, placed first was Tyrell (Yr 6) who performed a polished body popping routine with a back flip. Megan and Heba (Yr 5) performed a beautiful contemporary piece, complete with balances and characterisation. We also enjoyed contemporary dances from a range of female duos and groups plus an excellent and certainly brave interpretation of Thriller by Rowan (Yr3)
Recitation: The standard here was exceptionally high and everyone enjoyed the wonderful acting and interpretations of the poems set. Placed first in KS2 were Giulia (Yr 6)and Lina in (Yr 3) for combining excellent diction and characterisation. In KS1, Nina (Yr1) was placed first for her strong clear and characterful interpretation of ‘Cats Sleep Anywhere’.
Instrument performance: An excellent range of instruments were played and all the children played with confidence and without errors. Well done! Placed first were Henry (Yr 6) for Year 5/6 for his uplifting rendition of Nina Simone’s ‘How it feels to be free’ and Fabienne (yr 3) for her piano piece which was praised for its complexity and her musicality. In KS1, Rico was placed first for his confident piano playing which again impressed everyone with its level of challenge for a year 2 child.
Singing: Placed first In Year 5/6 was Jane for her clarity and excellent accent singing in French which is not her first or second language. In Year 3/4 Jamila was placed first for composing and performing her own song about changing the world! Well done Jamila. In Year 1/2 Daisy was placed first for her beautiful singing of “I dreamed a dream’ from Les Miserables.
Art, Handwriting and Story writing: There so many winners and every entry was excellent! All the winning entries and their creators are on the school blog. We hope to have an exhibition of the entries early in the summer term. The ‘art through technology’ presented the highest quality of all the competitions. Mrs Jenkins and the art team had an extremely hard time choosing any winners. If your child did enter this competition, well done to them! The videos are now on the school blog.