Summer Fair – Were you there? Our school community shone like the sun!

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We had a wonderful time at the summer fair. Thank you to all the staff and parents who helped plan and manage stalls and tidy up in the afternoon. You are all amazing and we are so pleased and proud to have such an amazing school community.

Thank you to Cllr Dixon Fyle, our Southwark Mayor, for joining us and announcing our raffle winner. It was lovely to see you.

Fun in the sun at the summer fete 2013

Thank you to everyone who came to the summer fete on Saturday, 29th June. We hope you had as much fun as we did. Special thanks to Jessica Evershed, the PTA and staff who organised and led another highly successful PTA event. We even had a visit from our M.P. Simon Hughes who did a sterling job of announcing the raffle winners and naming the giant toy dog.

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Briefing Meeting for volunteers – find out how you can help!

Briefing Meeting for volunteers – Tuesday 9.05am and Friday 3.45pm

Tuesday 20th 9.05am and Friday 23rd 3.45pm – the ground floor hall

Anyone who can volunteer to help us – we would love to see you for a few minutes at either of these meetings.

If you can help at a stall, setting up or clearing up afterwards.

If you can put a poster up or post some fliers to your neighbours.

If you can put raffle tickets in envelopes or help take money for raffle tickets.

We have some exciting things happening at the Frost Fair on the 1st Dec, but any ideas are always welcome!

We will have fliers and posters for you if you can find a good place to display them. We hope to see you then!

Find out more about the Frost Fair and the PTA here


Crafts and gifts for the festive season

Come and celebrate the winter season with a family fun Frost Fair at Charles Dickens Primary School on Saturday, 1 December; 12-3.30pm. All are welcome and entrance is free. Have a look at the PTA blog to find out more about the lovely crafts and gifts to buy and importantly eat!

Find out more here!


New Term – Start of the PTA – All very Exciting!

Hi Charles Dickens Parents and Teachers,,

We have a date for a kick-off meeting and AGM for the new school PTA. Next Thursday the 11th at 6pm.

We also have a date for a winter event, which we can decide on once we have a committee. We have use of the school hall and the kitchen (Alison has kindly agreed to help) to do our first event – whether large or small. So save the date of Saturday 1st Dec!

Hopefully it should be a short meeting to meet whoever wants to be involved. As well as arranging social events so that parents and teachers can get to know each other informally, the PTA will be raising money for a cause we decide on via the  school fund – which already exists, and which the school bursar  runs. Because a PTA is a constitutional group we will elect committee members and the key posts of chair, secretary, and vice chair. The Bursar  has agreed to be the treasurer, and he will be at the meeting next week too.

One thing to say – please don’t be put off by the word ‘election’ when it comes to being on the committee! In practice we will have a show of hands, and anyone who thinks they would be able to help (either by coming to some – not all-  meetings or at events) will be more than welcome to join – the more the merrier. A good idea might be for meetings to be at varied times of the day so that as many as possible can come to the occasional meeting. All parents and teachers are automatically ‘members’ of a PTA, and the committee will meet around once a term – or to arrange events. Hopefully the PTA can be an enjoyable way to meet other parents and get to know the school community.

There will also do a sign up sheet for anyone who wants to be on the committee to register their interest – perhaps with a box in the office – so that anyone can join even if they are not available for the meeting next week.

If you are available to help set up for the meeting on the 11th, or are  able to bring some snacks, do let Jessica Evershed ( Pickwick and Gargery class parent) know. It would be great to hear if you are able to come or not also – to get some idea of numbers.

Meanwhile do subscribe to the blog, and then you can receive (and write if you join the committee) any news:



The New PTA Email!

Please note there was an error in a previous post for the PTA email address – the correct email is:

Who are the PTA?

Some parents are setting up a steering group at the moment so that we can start a PTA in September (we don’t have one at the moment). So
now is a great time to get involved.

Briefly these are some of the main things we’d like to do:
• Raise money for something specific we agree for the school. This might be a piece of play equipment, garden or play area
upgrades, or anything else we agree on.
• Contribute to the school community. We would hold social events for parents and/or kids that would also raise money. Getting to know other parents and teachers in an informal way is great for everyone.
• Put together a knowledge base of parents and carers’ skills,languages, and interests; so that we can contribute to the
school in an organised way.

As is usual every parent will be a member of the PTA automatically – and be informed of events via the school. We welcome any involvement, and we will be organizing an AGM in September, so that we can agree our aims, and elect a committee. If you want to be involved you can contribute by:
• Being a committee member – with a title (secretary, etc) or as an ordinary committee member. This means attending meetings a few times a term. Perhaps meetings at varied times may help make this easy for a variety of parents to attend – no need to come to them all.
• Helping out at events.
• Letting us know what your talents are. We’d like to make a ‘knowledge base’ of parents’ skills and interests. If you have a special skill of any kind we’d like to hear from you: this might be your line of work, language, cooking specialities, hobbies,or indeed your own history.

Please do sign up to our email list, or email us on to be kept up with news.