Year 6 performed magnificently in their show, Emil and the Detectives this week; the singing was electric, the dancing was wonderful, the acting was terrific and when they combined all three, it was magical. Well done to all the children who performed both on the stage and in the house band. Thank you to all the parents who came and supported the shows. Thank you enormously to the hugely talented Year 6 creative team led by Mr Windle for pulling together such a creative performance completed with an original score!
Summer Term Coffee Morning Presentations
Thank you everyone for attending our busy season of Coffee Mornings! I hope they have been helpful and you have enjoyed them as much as we have enjoyed delivering them!
Below are links to all of the sessions we have run this summer term:
Autism: Makaton, Visuals and Timetabling
Emotional Wellbeing and Resilience
EY and KS1 Language Enrichment and Engaging in Play
Making French friends, enjoying the sea and some French freedom!
Yet another lovely, action-packed day in sunny Hardelot! We started our day in the Le Touquet market where the children purchased a dazzling array of trinkets (and perhaps a few French sweets…).
We then came back to the centre for a delicious picnic lunch in the sun before heading to meet our penpals at the Condette school. There were wonderful cross-cultural conversations, lovely songs and some very fun games.
Next stop: the beach! We were able to enjoy the glorious sunshine with some paddling, sandcastles and beach games. The children loved being by the sea and freezing their toes in the water.
We returned home sun-kissed and happy for another delicious three-course meal and some play in the woods. The children are now sound asleep after another brilliant day. They can’t wait to tell their families about their adventures tomorrow.
Ocean Literacy – Learning about our Commonwealth Oceans on RV Endeavour – free teaching resources available!
This week, pupils from year 6 have taught by the scientists and crew of RV Endeavor and they learnt an unbelievable amount about oceans and the life within them.
As part of Commonwealth Week, we were invited on board RV Endeavor, the ocean-going fisheries research vessel which is operated by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas).
They learnt just that as human populations increase and the negative effects on the marine environment also increase, never has there been a more crucial time for society to understand the science of our oceans. This knowledge and understanding of our ocean can be termed ’ocean literacy’.
In just two days, they learnt how the ocean and life in the ocean shape the features of Earth and the weather experienced. Pupils also learnt about the diversity of life within the oceans including the Carribean Spiny Lobster ( our favourite).
Most importantly, we learnt that oceans and humans are inextricably linked and there is so much more we can do to protect these amazing and enormous parts of our world!
There are fantastic new teaching resources available for all schools on the TES here
Thank you to everyone at CEFAS for such a brilliant experience.
Corn dollies, bread making and French conversation – the first day for Year 5s in France.
What a fun and a sunny first day we’ve had in France! After a heroically early start, we plunged beneath the Channel with great excitement. Before we knew it, we were in belle France.
Our first stop was a wheat farm where we made delicious bread and learnt to weave corn in the traditional way. We had a fabulous crepe lunch (savoury for the main and sweet for dessert!) and enjoyed the fabulous sunshine.
After that, we settled into the Hardelot Centre. This involved the children making their own beds – quite a feat for some! This was followed by a wonderful three-course dinner before playtime in the woods.
The children are now listening to a riveting Mr Huxley story time and will be heading to bed shortly.
Friendship Week – Big friend, little friend!
Today, as part of our annual Friendship Week every child in the school partnered up with an older/younger child to take part in ‘big friend, little friend’. Children from Year 6 partnered up with Year 2, Year 5 visited Year 1, Year 4 partnered with Nursery children, and Year 3 went to Reception.
The children worked on a range of activities from writing stories about friendship to reading together, making friendship bracelets to playing board games. The children found the experience engaging, educational and socially enriching.
Teachers throughout the school have also been celebrating friendship week by leaving gifts, cards and generally being extra-supportive of their ‘secret friends’, drawn from a ballot. The message, for both adults and children, is that we can and should always try to do more to make the world a friendlier place.
Contemporary Dance – Years 5 and 6
Children have benefited from weekly dance lessons with contemporary dancer and Rambert educator Delene Gordon. This term’s theme was water linked to learning about the Water Cycle and The River Thames.
The audience were hugely impressed with the level of physical strength and control, the confidence and freedom with which both girls and boys moved and the lyrical musicality. Thank you to our superb dance teachers and well done Year 5 and 6 on another terrific year of dance!
Tuesday – baking, birding, nursing and herding
The sun has gone down on Tuesday and every day is different on the farm. Today we went birding – with big binoculars and high expectations. We observed from the hide, peering through cameras and saw lots of different birds – more exciting than some of the magpies and feral pigeons we get in central London. We felt inspired to try and encourage a wider range of birds into our school garden.
Later came a visit from the vet – that was interesting! The children’s questions were thoughtful and demonstrated strong levels of analysis and curiosity – some powerful lessons in managing the health and numbers in a herd!
We like to think we might be a bit more self sufficient than we when we left London last Friday. Behold our own pizzas, bread and crumble!
Sunday Funday – holding ducklings, herding sheep, apple pressing and an awful lot of mud
Today began after our daily chores around the farm with a long muddy walk. We climbed over stiles, rolled down hills and some of us got stuck in the mud and our wellies had to be rescued by Mr Eggleton.
Later we did our best to herd some sheep – not sure it was up to the standards of one man and his dog. We looked after some ducklings ( well we cuddled some ducklings), fed the cows and there were apples – it is that time of year!
Everyone is having a great time – Zac loves the ducklings but Joel is rather underwhelmed by the size of the turkeys – we are all learning a lot about where our food comes from!
Year 6 Thames Project
The year 6 children had the opportunity to take part in the Thames project. They had a great time scouring the shore line for old relics washed up on the shore. They returned to school to produce tiles from clay which were then fired in a kiln to produce some amazing results. The children when commended on their creative use of objects to make some beautiful and ornate designs.