Meeting the Duke of Kent – School Food Matters!

This week we set up a stall in Southwark cathedral to introduce the Duke of Kent to the wonderful food growing that goes on in our school. He was very impressed to learn all the products we brought were grown in our school garden. He especially liked the pumpkin that had been planted from seed in Mr Paul’s class and then looked after by our gardeners in the year one raised bed. He also bought some eggs from Dickens’ chickens.

Although the children were noticeably nervous they all spoke wonderfully about our garden and the different fruits and vegetables that we have grown. After the excitement of meeting the Duke we were all treated to tea, cake and cucumber sandwiches of course.

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Meeting the chickens and the quails

The school has looked after Chickens and quails for a number of years. Our chicken welfare officer, Hayley, is always on the look out for children who are kind and enjoy spending times with the birds to help collect the eggs and hold our chickens and quails. It looks like Hayley has found some helpers already!

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Our Chicks have Hatched!

Today in Little Dorrit, lots of our baby quails finally emerged from their eggs. It has been a long wait for the children but worth it to see these little creatures break out of their shells. Pupils are completing ‘quail’ diaries to chart the birds’ growth and as you can imagine, everyone is very excited!

Take a look at the video below!

Pumpkin Pitch Thursday at Borough Market – Raising Money for FareShare

Tomorrow, Thursday 11th October, pupils from Charles Dickens Primary will be selling a range of goodies from the school garden at Pumpkin Pitch at Borough Market. The money raised by the sale of the vegetables (eggs, tomatoes and herbs in our case) will go to FareShare, a charity which seeks to relieve food poverty by taking food which would otherwise be discarded by the food and drink industry and redistributing it to ensure as many people as possible receive regular nutritious, healthy meals.

You can show your support for these keen young vegetable growers and stallholders by visiting us on Thursday 11th October from 11am until 1pm and buying some of their freshly-picked products. You’ll be helping to raise funds for a fantastic cause!

We have new baby chickens! Aaah!

Yesterday our new eggs arrived at the school and are hatching in Gargery class.  10 eggs  arrived and we hope they will all hatch.  First of all, the chicks started to peck their way out of their shells and they didn’t need any help although some clucking from Gargery and Little Dorrit children certainly made them feel at home. Once the chicks come out of their shell, they take a while to recover from all their hard work and need to dry off in the incubator.

Once 2 or 3 chicks have dried off and fluffed up, they are then moved together into the brooding box to eat and drink. The little chicks like company so we move them into the brooding box a few at a time. This morning, 3 chicks had hatched out and by school pick up time, 6 chicks had hatched out.  Have a look at the photos (some from this morning and some from after school)  and the children will keep you updated on the remaining eggs!


If you are a parent at CDPS and are interested in adopting one/two of the chicks once they are a bit more grown up, then speak to Miss Henderson – she will explain the responsibility involved and what you will need to nurture a happy hen!

Chick Chick Chick Chickens….

Our lovely chickens need your help during the Easter Holidays!
We are looking for families who would be happy to come and feed the chickens and collect eggs during the holidays. If you are local and could commit to 1 day or more (feeding etc takes about 10 minutes but you would be welcome to stay longer) please speak to Miss Henderson in Little Dorrit Class.