The Barnaby Class Odyssey

Last week, Barnaby Class presented a wonderful assembly to the rest of the school. We all crammed ourselves into the amphitheater which was the top hall to watch a show!

Charles Dickens was under attack from a host of Greek monsters, sent to get revenge on the school by Ariadne and Calista (Amina and Olivia) but luckily Ms Buchanan (Riham) recruited a band of heroes to save the day. Just in time, Chronos (Joel) turned up to adjudicate a spelling bee and a shape quiz which decided the fate of the school.

A special mention must also go to Precious’s amazing Medusa outfit and to Toni’s cameo as little-known Greek beast Octodeath!

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Stars and Friends of the Week!

Well done to this week’s stars and friends of the week. Today we had two whole classes who won the title of Star of the Week because they had both been too wonderful to pick individual children! Congratulations to everyone and keep up the hard work!

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Oliver COOL!

Today, we were treated to a wonderful production of the book ‘Gregory Cool’ by Caroline Binch. Oliver Class retold the story of a young city boy visiting his family in Tobago. At first, he really wasn’t keen on life in the Caribbean but after some exciting events he quickly grew to like the wildly different way of life.

Well done to everyone in Oliver, it certainly was exceptionally cool!

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Pickwick Election Fever!

This week, KS2 witnessed a wonderful assembly which exhibited democracy in almost its highest level. We were told all about what an election is and how it works. We were also introduced to three budding party leaders for their respective parties.

In an effort to bolster their support in the upcoming general elections, the three parties presented their party political broadcasts. Each of the videos outlined the issues each of the parties most wanted to tackle.

Well done to everyone involved and good luck on 8th June!

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Bumble Class Assembly – The Sun Will Come Out!

What a triumph Bumble’s assembly was today! In the space of a brilliant 15 minutes, Bumble Class managed to teach us how to count in tens, how to use conjunctions and how to grow a pumpkin. Not only did they cram in a lifetime’s worth of learning, they also performed with incredible confidence and skill – there were singing rain clouds, dancing sunbeams, newsreaders and gardening experts. The solo singing was truly stunning. Well done to the whole of Bumble Class and thanks to Mr Paul, Ms Tyson and Ms Guthrie.

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Easter Hat Winners 2017 – Key Stage One and Early Years

Well done to everyone who made a hat. Three or four children were high commended from each class for their creativity and their high levels of effort in making their hats. As you will see from the previous post, there were hundreds of brilliant hats!

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