Leon and the Place Between.

Thank you to Year 3/4 for taking us to a magical place in a wonderful theatrical adaptation of this enchanting story. The audience were treated to music composed by the children, songs written by the children, confident acting and stunning backdrops and colourful costumes. There were key characters but what really came out of the performance was that everyone was involved, everyone was having fun performing and all the hard work has lead to something brilliant. Thank you to all the adults who have helped bring this together.

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Encore for Year 1 and 2!

Where exactly is Santa’s hat? The elves search high and low, asking the smart snowmen and the hibernating hedgehogs but can they find it? Year 1 and 2 treated us to a wonderful story with stunning singing, brilliant backdrops, colourful costumes and amazing acting. Well done to all the performers and thank you to the teachers for directing, all the adults for their help decorating and creating costumes and the parents for coming and supporting. Well done everyone….and where was that hat? He was sitting on it of course!

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Little Dorrit and Gargery Modern Nativity

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Well done for some our youngest children for learning their lines and songs and confidently performing their Nativity to parents and families on Friday. In our version of the nativity, It snowed and the amazing London Fire Brigade came to Mary’s rescue when the Little Donkey became too tired and a vet insisted it rested.The baby Jesus was born at Tommy’s in the car park as the queue for the maternity ward was too long and Mary didn’t want to sit in A and E however a midwife, nurses and a doctor joined her in the cold to make sure a healthy baby was born.  The shepherds and the kings got on the tube to the Southbank and thankfully the London transport system didn’t let them down and everyone arrived in time for the special birth.

This version built on the children’s learning about ‘People Who Help Us!’ so Mary and Joseph were well supported. We hope you enjoyed watching as much as the children enjoyed sharing it with you all.

Year 6 Leavers Concert

Last Week we celebrated the music and singing of Year 6 children who are leaving the school this year with a leavers’ concert.

The Year 6 choir sang songs from their recent repertoire and year 6 musicians performed individually and in groups.They were joined by experienced musicians from across the school.

Thank you to all the parents and families who joined us. We hope all these children will continue to develop and enjoy their skills and talents.

Screen printing at the studio

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Six budding artists and designers spent the morning at the London Screen Service (in the Victorian biscuit afctory behind Bermondsey Tube) printing the leavers’ sweatshirts. The previous week, a competition was held to choose the winning design and the printers worked up a sweat producing these bespoke tops. Thank you to Holly at London Screen Services for teaching us how to use the machines and to Rob at 3rd Rail Clothing for supplying the paint and screens.

Year 5 at the Royal Festival Hall

Year 5 have been learning a huge array of songs (with actions) lead by Ms Rhys-Evans. Nineteen Southwark Schools came together to practise for a day and then perform to members of the public (see if you can spot your parents or teachers on the next blog entry). It was an amazing show with wonderful singing, creative choreography and the brilliantly behaved Year 5 were wonderful representatives for the school!

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Year 6 Production – A high-spirited contemporary satire bringing the Pied Piper legend up-to-date!

Of the Terrifying Events on the Hamelin Estate:

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Congratulations to year 6 for their outstanding performances yesterday which drew upon all their previous learning in the Opera Project, class assemblies and drama projects over the years.
The pupils worked alongside Pete Letanka ( one of our musicians in residence) to write their own songs and music to accompany the acting ( much of which was physical and choral speaking) and dance.
Special thanks go to Miss Alcock for directing the performance and bringing all the different strands together.

Seaside Adventures

Years 1 and 2 visited Joss Bay on the Kent Coast this week as part of their topic on seaside and coastlines. For many of the children, this was the first time they had visited the English coast and the day ensured that the term’s learning really came alive. The highlight of the day was rockpooling and the magical experience of finding a real starfish. Thank you to all the parents who accompanied the classes and made the day possible.

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