Art Through Technology “Video” – Eisteddfod 2016

Every entry into this category was excellent so we thought we would share them all! Well done everyone.

The theme was change! The creators of each film all entered under a ‘fake name’ to make judging fair so we have some very ‘creative’ names as well. They are all unlisted on youtube which means that you will only be able to access them via these links here and they are non searchable via you tube. If you do not want to share your video, please let the office know.

Here is the first Entry by Special Junior in Year 6.

This next one is a stop motion film by The Professor in Year 1.

Next up is a video by Darf flappy Bird A3 Paper! The film is called ‘Time Travel’. It has been created using models, illustrations and music ( both on the recorder and beat boxing).

Another contribution from Year 6. This one is by ‘The Creator’ and is called ‘The Adventure of Changing’.It is a very special film about a little boy growing up through a series of family photographs.

From year 5 and ‘Tom Drummond’, ‘Changes’ with a David Bowie soundtrack and lots of fun lego animation. We loved the space scene and the use of lego throughout.

Another Year 6 entry. Well done to ‘Thechosenone’ for some excellent programming skills for this animation. Mr Bakas would be very proud.

Year 4 was well represented by this excellent entry from ‘Help,I can’t think of a name!”. We imagine thats because all their creative energy went into the making of this short film which tells of the evolution of man.

Angel Express

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Well done to all the stars, shepherds, kings. sheep, angels, inn-keepers, news boys, Mary and Joseph. We thought you sang beautifully and all said your words clearly. We saw some very proud mums, dads and grandparents in the audience who enjoyed your show immensely. Thank you all for coming and thank you to the Reception class staff for producing such a happy show.

Lunchtime with Reception Children

Well done to all the reception children on eating up all their lunches so well this week. We are very proud of the clear voices for choosing their meals and the excellent use of knives and forks. Lunchtime with reception is a lovely place to be for a chat whilst you suck up your noodles!

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Key Stage One and Reception Sports Day

Fuelled by lots of water breaks, and the sun made bearable through time under gazebos ( thank you to Trinity Newington Residents Association for the loan of the gazebos), 180 children had lots of fun at their annual sports day.

The sporting offer was a mix of running, jumping, balancing and lots of teamwork. The favourite ‘station’ is always ‘pass the sponges’ where the children work in their house teams to transfer sponges from the front to the back without losing lots of water to fill a bucket.

As you can see from the photographs, the main aims and more important than winning, were having fun and working cooperatively – the children did an excellent job at both! Well done everyone for great listening skills and super behaviour.

Thank you to all the parents who came along to watch – the children were very impressed when they saw some of the banners to cheer the teams on!

Thank you to Mrs Worley for organising such an excellent afternoon. Thank you also to her team of Year 5 pupils who led the different activities and did an wonderful job of showing the younger children what to do – you were all outstanding role models!

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A letter from the Queen

Well done to Mia  (aged 5) in Little Dorrit class who received a letter from the Her Majesty the Queen  this week. Mia had written the Queen with some questions, congratulations about the birth of baby Charlotte and a beautiful picture.


We expect the Queen was delighted to receive the letter  – Little Dorrit class were over the moon to receive a reply and learnt the value of writing for a purpose. Everyone is now very keen to write letters!   Thank you Buckingham Palace – you made our day!

Spring Term Music Concert – A celebration of beginners.

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Well done to all our young musicians this week who performed in the Spring Term Music Concert. Many performers have only been learning since September 2014 so it is wonderful to see their progress. It was also a joy to hear the Silver Strings Group perform Vivaldi’s ‘Spring’. All the practising and dedication is paying off!

What was your highlight of Science week?

Our thanks goes out to Mr Oxenham for arranging and leading a truly inspirational Science week!

One of the highlights was the talented Anna and her “Street Science Show”. The children saw some amazing tricks and learnt about the science behind them.

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A personal favourite was seeing Miss Carver pull a table cloth from a table without removing any of the teapots or plates from the table first. (Don’t try that at home!)

Coding in Little Dorrit and Gargery

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This week, I was amazed to see expert coding taking place in the reception classes. All of the children were taught how to use codes in order to animate a character of their choice. The children confidently used codes to make the character move up, down, do turns and even speak!

Well done Little Dorrit and Gargery and I can’t wait to see what you achieve next week.