Charles’ Creepy Crawlies…

Charles Dickens has some new residents – Painted Lady caterpillars! The caterpillars are currently feeding off a special nutrient rich mixture which will make them grow large enough to then turn into a chrysalis. Once these have hatched into beautiful butterflies they will be briefly kept in a special netting cage before being released to enjoy the flowers in the eco-garden. Mrs Buchanan kindly organised this treat for Reception while off having a new crawly of her own.

We have new baby chickens! Aaah!

Yesterday our new eggs arrived at the school and are hatching in Gargery class.  10 eggs  arrived and we hope they will all hatch.  First of all, the chicks started to peck their way out of their shells and they didn’t need any help although some clucking from Gargery and Little Dorrit children certainly made them feel at home. Once the chicks come out of their shell, they take a while to recover from all their hard work and need to dry off in the incubator.

Once 2 or 3 chicks have dried off and fluffed up, they are then moved together into the brooding box to eat and drink. The little chicks like company so we move them into the brooding box a few at a time. This morning, 3 chicks had hatched out and by school pick up time, 6 chicks had hatched out.  Have a look at the photos (some from this morning and some from after school)  and the children will keep you updated on the remaining eggs!


If you are a parent at CDPS and are interested in adopting one/two of the chicks once they are a bit more grown up, then speak to Miss Henderson – she will explain the responsibility involved and what you will need to nurture a happy hen!

Spring Has Blossomed In The Garden!

The garden is slowly waking up after the winter. Each class has responsibility to look after the garden on a weekly rota. This week’s jobs include planting seeds, weeding, watering, collecting eggs and capturing the changes in the garden through poetry, art and photography.

This week is the turn of Oliver Class. Yesterday involved lots of sunshine so the main job was watering the new seedlings and making sure the chickens had enough to drink. The children still found time to do lots of observational drawing. An lovely afternoon in the sunshine.


Chick Chick Chick Chickens….

Our lovely chickens need your help during the Easter Holidays!
We are looking for families who would be happy to come and feed the chickens and collect eggs during the holidays. If you are local and could commit to 1 day or more (feeding etc takes about 10 minutes but you would be welcome to stay longer) please speak to Miss Henderson in Little Dorrit Class.

School Garden Needs Your Help!

Last week we were lucky enough to have three truckloads of wood chip delivered free of charge to re-surface the garden. Now we need your help! Miss. Henderson will be in the garden every afternoon this week from 3.30-4.00…so if you are able to pop in after school to help move some wood chip, then your help would be greatly appreciated. The more the merrier…look forward to seeing you there!

Are you feeding the birds?

A little robin, eating his breakfast of bird seed in Mrs Buchanan’s garden this morning!

It is still very cold outside and lots of the ground is frozen. Children at Charles Dickens Primary School have been feeding the birds in the school garden, spurred on by our participation in the RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch.  During half term, remember to feed the birds in your garden, your balcony or your window sills. You can put out bird seed or you could try to make them this delicious  (according to the birds) cake!

Feeding the birds at home – the speedy bird cake

Make this quick and easy cake to keep the birds happy.

Stuff you need : Good quality bird seed ( you can buy this from the super market); raisins; peanuts; grated cheese; suet or lard; yoghurt pots; string; mixing bowl; scissors

Seeds Raisins Peanuts Cheese Lard String Bowl Scissors

Important notes : Not suitable for children with nut allergies.


1. Carefully make a small hole in the bottom of a yoghurt pot. Thread string through the hole and tie a knot on the inside. Leave enough string so that you can tie the pot to a tree or your bird table.

Make a speedy bird cake - Step 1

2. Allow the lard to warm up to room temperature, but don’t melt it. Then cut it up into small pieces and put it in the mixing bowl.

Make a speedy bird cake - Step 2

3. Add the other ingredients to the bowl and mix them together with your finger tips. Keep adding the seed/raisin/cheese mixture and squidging it until the fat holds it all together.

Make a speedy bird cake - Step 3

4. Fill your yoghurt pots with bird cake mixture and put them in the fridge to set for an hour or so.

Make a speedy bird cake - Step 4

5. Hang your speedy bird cakes from trees or your bird table or from your window. Watch for robins, blackbirds, greenfinches and tits.

Make a speedy bird cake - Step 5

A bird on a painting is worth two in a bush.

Wow! Look at all the wonderful entries we have had for the Bird Art competition!

We have been celebrating our feathered friends for the last two weeks as part of the RSPB Big School’s Birdwatch and through making additional feeders we have attracted more wildlife to the garden. Some of these birds have been captured brilliantly in clay, sculpture, paint and coloured pencil!

The competition ends this Friday and winners, from different ages across the school, will get prizes which have been kindly donated by the RSPB!

The School ‘Nature Table’/ ‘Ecological Installation’ – You can never have too many logs, leaves or woodlice!

Are you going out into some woods or a garden this weekend? Please bring back something for our new nature table.
At this time of year we can find logs, cones or fallen branches from lots of different trees.
Can you identify your find? Leave it with us in the office or give it to Mrs Stone and look out for it on display outside Bullseye Class.

Charles Dickens School Chutney – a new batch arrives in the School Office!


The school garden has produced a bounty of tomatoes and chilli.

We have used this to begin making ‘Tomato Chutney with a hint of chilli’. Some jars are available to buy in the school office .

If you are keen to get involved in the garden, please come along to gardening club – every Thursday 3.30pm (ish) to 4.30pm . The club runs on a drop in basis and parents must accompany any children.  We are always keen to get enthusiastic and/or experienced gardeners involved especially if you bring your own gloves and a knowledge of weeding or growing things.

If, on the other hand, you are not a gardener but you enjoy cooking, we welcome any offers to make fruit/veg related dishes using our produce. Please speak to Ms Henderson in Little Dorrit class for more information.