Stars and Friends of the Week!

Well done to this week’s stars and friends of the week. Today we had two whole classes who won the title of Star of the Week because they had both been too wonderful to pick individual children! Congratulations to everyone and keep up the hard work!

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Oliver COOL!

Today, we were treated to a wonderful production of the book ‘Gregory Cool’ by Caroline Binch. Oliver Class retold the story of a young city boy visiting his family in Tobago. At first, he really wasn’t keen on life in the Caribbean but after some exciting events he quickly grew to like the wildly different way of life.

Well done to everyone in Oliver, it certainly was exceptionally cool!

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Pickwick Election Fever!

This week, KS2 witnessed a wonderful assembly which exhibited democracy in almost its highest level. We were told all about what an election is and how it works. We were also introduced to three budding party leaders for their respective parties.

In an effort to bolster their support in the upcoming general elections, the three parties presented their party political broadcasts. Each of the videos outlined the issues each of the parties most wanted to tackle.

Well done to everyone involved and good luck on 8th June!

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Year 5 Ramert performance!

On Thursday, Summerson class had a very special experience – dancing at the Royal Festival Hall! This was the culmination of six intense weeks working with Rambert Dance to prepare a piece inspired by Ghost Dances. Ghost Dances were choreographed by Christopher Bruce in 1981 to highlight political oppression in South America. The children were dancing the parts of the ‘ghosts’, representing the power of the state, taking away citizens’ rights and freedom. The dance moves were inspired by predators, particularly birds of prey. The children choreographed all the trio and partner work themselves.

It was a truly fantastic performance, with many people commenting on the children’s strength, timing and the menacing atmosphere they managed to create. We would like to thank Delene from Rambert who worked so hard to bring the piece together.

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Year 5 Jazz Workshop Project

On Friday, Year 5 put on the most spectacular Jazz performance. It was a culmination of an intense 5 day project working with the supremely talented Pete Letanka, learning about the fundamentals of music through Jazz. The children of Year 5, in such a short period of time learnt to play instruments, read music, write and sing songs! On the day of the performance, the children performed what they had been working on accompanied by a Pete and his band! It was a great experience and well done to everyone involved!

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Chuzzlewit Class Assembly

This week, Chuzzlewit performed a brilliant medley of sea shanties in an assembly all about journeys and emotional literacy! Well done to everyone who took part and especially to those of you who performed solos! It was wonderful to see so many beautiful smiles shining throughout the hall!

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