Tuesday – baking, birding, nursing and herding

The sun has gone down on Tuesday and every day is different on the farm. Today we went birding – with big binoculars and high expectations. We observed from the hide, peering through cameras and saw lots of different birds – more exciting than some of the magpies and feral pigeons we get in central London. We felt inspired to try and encourage a wider range of birds into our school garden.

Later came a visit from the vet – that was interesting! The children’s questions were thoughtful and demonstrated strong levels of analysis and curiosity – some powerful lessons in managing the health and numbers in a herd!

We like to think we might be a bit more self sufficient than we when we left London last Friday. Behold our own pizzas, bread and crumble!

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Nickleby Class Assembly

Congratulations to Nickleby class who delivered a thrilling historical assembly this morning! The children told a delighted audience all about the Celts and the Romans. We learnt why the Romans were eventually victorious, how to pronounce Boudicca, and where the Celts went for a woad makeover! Well done to everyone in Nickleby, Miss Jacobs and Miss Tyson for all their hard work.

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