Nickleby Class Assembly

This morning Nickleby Class performed a brilliant assembly about how and why we could be working to save the rainforest. There were special guest appearances from David Attenborough, Bear Grylls and Steve Backshall as well as many species from the rainforest!

Thank you and well done everybody involved!

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Election Results!

The results have been counted and verified!

It is our pleasure to announce that the following children are the new house captains for this year!

Megan and Ashton
Elias and Chloe
Malakai and Ruby
Ayomikun and Molly

Congratulations to you all and a special thank you and well done to all of the candidates who gave speeches and Friday.

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House Captain Election Fever

Today has been a wonderful day for democracy. As you will all know, every year we elect new house captians from years 5 and 6.

The candidates, today, gave speeches help win themselves votes in the election. The whole school was then invited to the register their votes. We had a record turnout with children voting in their droves!

All of the candidates, and voters, will have to endure the wait over the weekend while the votes are counted and verified. We expect we will be able to give the results on Monday!

Fingers crossed for all of you and good luck!

See you on the other side.

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Royal Barnaby Battalion

This morning, KS2 were treated to an assembly all about life in the world wars. We saw how messages were transported, what happened when soldiers were conscripted and we even got a sneak peak of the soldier testing process!

Well done Barnaby for presenting us with such a marvelous assembly which I heard was written entirely by you!

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Oliver Class Presents: The Story of Robin Hood

This morning, we were treated to an entirely epic performance of the story of Robin Hood! There were two brilliant songs, one including a solo part starring the Sheriff of Nottingham – He’s the Sheriff, He’s the Sheriff, he takes all your money!

Well done Oliver Class, you were fantastic!

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Havisham Class Assembly

Today, reception and years 1, 2 and 3 were treated to a musical extravaganza about castles by Havisham class. We learnt all about turrets and portcullis’ as well as what castles are made out of and what makes them so strong!

We heard many beautiful songs sung clearly and confidently – even one in French!

Thank you very much Havisham Class!

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David Bowie teaches calculation strategies

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Well done to Copperfield class this week for their entertaining and instructive class assembly. Two worlds collided when the pupils shared their recent exploration into the music of David Bowie with their learning on how to calculate the answers to the addition of two digit numbers. It was made simple by some brilliant solver- recorder lead by David Bowie and the Starman.

We also loved all the musical instruments the pupils made alongside their tangible enjoyment and sense of fun!

Recorder Concert

Last Tuesday, Years 2, 3 and 4 performed their learning from this term’s recorder lessons. Each year group performed a selection of songs learnt by heart. Learning this term also includes musical notation, rhythm and pitch. The children in year 4 have transferred their knowledge of the descant recorder to the treble. Here is a short video of one of the Year 4 songs. Thank you to Southwark Music hub for providing the weekly lessons

Leavers’ Assembly

Following yesterday’s staff leaving assembly, today was the time to remember and celebrate all the great things our departing Year 6 have done. Every child received a personalised award, carnation and named sweatshirt before some children found themselves up again for special awards including drama, science and all rounder. The tearful assembly finished with everyone joining in songs and culminated in locked arms and Auld Lang Syne!
The children have then had plenty of time to say their goodbyes and decorate their shirts in time honoured tradition. Good luck Year 6, wherever and whatever your future holds. We are proud of all of you.

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Havisham go back to 1066

As children settled for the assembly, they were greeted by a wall to wall tapestry – The Havisham Tapestry. The children have been studying the pivotal events of the 1066 Norman invasion within their castles topic. They have studied the Bayeux Tapestry to learn about what men at arms wore in the period and have been doing data handling on everything from the number of horses to arrow wounds depicted in it. With Sara, our resident artist’s, guidance, they have created their own tapestry featuring themselves. The class assembly shared their art, singing, acting, poems and clear enjoyment of their learning and was a great finale to this year’s class assemblies.

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