We are all rather sad that art week came to a close but we can all agree it was a great success. Photographs of some of the work are on the school blog and Sara is continuing to work on displaying the larger scale pieces around the school. As well as two hours of ‘fine’ art each day, the children took part in some fascinating collaborative projects. These included each class being assigned a box of Lego of a single colour – the children built models and these were displayed in the hall to reflect on whether the colour influenced the design. The children also each built a time boat of dreams – every tiny boat was gathered together to represent a fleet of hopes.
This week Sara is working on assembling a giant chandelier and we say goodbye to the secret garden wall, although the large scale mini beast pictures have escaped and can be found all over the school.
Thank you to Sara, Jaf, Lucille and Linda for the ideas, the passion and making it happen!