Our Governing Body currently has a vacancy for a Partnership Governor. Parents of children currently attending Charles Dickens are not eligible for this post under our Constitution: but we’d love you to encourage your friends, neighbours and colleagues to apply.
Being a school governor is a privilege and a commitment. The role of the Governing Body is to provide support and challenge to the leaders of the school to ensure the best outcomes for our children – this is entrusted to all governors on behalf of the school community. The Governing Body sets strategy and targets, scrutinises the progress and attainment of pupils, approves the annual Budget, and is accountable for how the school spends its money including the Pupil Premium allocation intended to close gaps between children from low-income families and others.
Charles Dickens Primary School is a diverse, inclusive and high-achieving school which has been Ofsted-rated ‘outstanding’ since 2007. Creative arts play a central role in our rich curriculum, and we have been awarded the Arts Council’s Gold award three times. We have strong links with the local Southwark community via our work with a range of artistic and community organisations, including the Rambert Dance Company, the Globe Theatre, the Unicorn Theatre, and local businesses including Mercato Metropolitano and Borough Market. We are particularly keen to hear from candidates who are involved with an artistic or other local organisation.
Being a governor involves a commitment of time, based around three full GB meetings and further termly sub-committee meetings. Meetings usually take place in the late afternoon or early evening, although further meetings are occasionally arranged at other times of day to fit with governors’ schedules. Serving governors will tell you that it is more than simply this time, there is also an increasing expectation that you will want to, and will take time to, learn more about the school (both through reading and/or visiting us), and taking on additional tasks as needed.
The governing body especially welcome applications from parts of the community under-represented amongst school governors, including people who have not held non-executive posts before. To become a partnership governor, you do not have to already know the school in detail, nor are you expected to have previous experience as a governor or in education. Full training and support will be given.
I have attached a list of essential and desirable skills sought at this time for our partnership governors. Please note that parents of children currently attending our school are not eligible to be Partnership Governors.
To apply, please send an email to chairofgovernors@charlesdickens.southwark.sch.uk by Friday 30 March telling us why you would like to be a governor at our School and what you would bring to the role. We will hold interviews with shortlisted candidates after the Easter holidays.
For more information about our School and governing body, including minutes of governors’ meetings and our School Improvement Plan, please visit our website at www.charlesdickens.southwark.sch.uk
If you would like an informal conversation before deciding to apply, please send a note to the same address and we will arrange to speak to you by phone.