Parent Governor Election
A vacancy has arisen for a parent governor on the School’s Governing Body, and we would like to invite nominations for the position.
All parents and guardians of children who attend the school are eligible to vote in the election. Parent governors are very important in the life of the school, contributing their skills and experience to assist the senior management team, and giving a parent’s perspective on the strategic issues facing the school. Anyone with legal, HR, journalistic background or planning experience would be a particular asset to the school.
School governors attend one Full Governing Body meeting per term, and also serve on one or more Sub-Committees. They also usually become a Link Governor in one particular academic subject area. The normal term of office for a school governor is four years and provided they are still eligible they may serve for further terms.
If you would like to put your name forward, you will need to send an email to the school office at the following address:
In your email ( or letter delivered to the office if you prefer) you will need to include your name, the names of your children currently in the school and a short description of your experience and how you hope to be an effective parent governor of Charles Dickens Primary School. All these nominees will then be shared with all parents and parents will have the opportunity to vote. It is therefore helpful to attach a photograph of yourself too!
If you have any questions about the role of the Governing Body or the role of parent governors, please contact the Chair of Governors, Claire Maugham on