Roll on Mathletics!

We have launched Mathletics at Charles Dickens for Key Stage 2! This online resource allows children to practise their mathematics, complete their homework and develop their computer skills. They can even compete against other mathematicians from around the world! So far 51 children have completed enough calculations to be awarded a virtual certificate and here they are. Congratulations to all of you.


Go to to see if any children from Charles Dickens are in the Halls of Fame (these are based on the week so are constatnly changing)

Mathletics in Year 3/4

Chuzzlewit Class have been trialling a piece of Mathematics Software called Mathletics. This allows them to practise their maths online, challenge children across the UK and around the World at mental maths and keep their teachers informed via progress reports over the internet. Chuzzlewit have been maths stars this week both in school and at home. Furthermore, all the feedback from them and parents has been positive so far so watch this space as we may well have it for all of Key Stage 2 from September!
