Key Stage 2 Art

Southwark UNtold project

Working with PEM People we took part in a project called Southwark Untold with each child in Year 5 individually designing and working on an umbrella around the theme of Southwark. Using many different materials, some of us collaged, some splattered paint and some used needle and thread to make large illustrations. We faced the challenges of working in 3D on umbrella materials and learnt through this experimentation. We think and hope you agree created some really interesting results.

Following the completion of our umbrellas, we had our very own procession, walking from Charles Dickens to the Tate Modern to show them off to our local community. Singing songs about Southwark and spinning our umbrellas around. Finally showing the film of this at the Tate Modern the following week in Tate Exchange. Along with this we brought our Gifted and Talented group along and provided a portrait drawing workshop. Drawing lots of different visitors at a fast pace to continue to challenge ourselves, we focused on drawing facial features symmetrically, looking closer at details and sketching lighter and darker areas.

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