The school uniform is red and dark blue.
Our uniform is compulsory; please choose from the clothing options below.

Girls and Boys:
- Red sweatshirt or school cardigan (with or without school logo is acceptable)
- Dark blue skirt, trousers or pinafore (leggings are not allowed)
- Dark blue shorts during the summer term (optional)
- Red polo shirt (with or without school logo is acceptable)
- Red & white checked dress (optional summer uniform only)
- Red, white or dark blue socks or tights
- Black shoes – buckle, lace-up or velcro (Trainers are acceptable but they must be completely black)
- Tracksuit bottoms are permitted for children in the Nursery but not from Reception upwards
- Pupils may wear a watch but this must not make any noise and cannot be a smartwatch. Pupils may wear one stud earring in each ear. No other jewelry is permitted. Pupils must not wear watches or stud earrings for PE which includes swimming.
No other branding/logos are permitted on school clothing.
PE Kit:
- Boys and girls – plain red t-shirt, dark blue tracksuit bottoms or shorts
- Trainers or plimsolls (These can be black or white but must be plain)
- White or dark blue socks
Branded sweatshirts, polo shirts and PE kit can be purchased online from schooltrends.co.uk.
You can view the School Trends sizing chart here.
All non-branded versions can be purchased in most large supermarkets.
Staff will remind pupils to look after their personal belongings but it is not the responsibility of the staff to look after them or find them if they have been lost. The school will not replace lost items.