Wraparound Care
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club Nursery only – 7:45am to start of school day £8 per session held in Nursery.
Breakfast Club Reception to YR6 – 7:45am to start of school day £5 per session held in the main hall.
Breakfast will be served from 8am to 8:25am.
Nursery bookings can be made on Famly.
Bookings for Reception to Year 6 can be made here
After School Club
If you would like to use the After school Club for Nursery please speak to the nursery staff or the school office.
After school club for all year groups from Reception to Year 6 is led by Nimble Arts. Nimble Arts is a separate company but they use the school site.
To learn more and to sign up, please click here
The password is: nimblecharles
Holiday camp
Each school holiday, the school remains open and you can pay for your child to attend a holiday club. The holiday club is led by Nimble Arts and is open to all Charles Dickens Primary School pupils and other children in our local community. Nimble Arts is a separate organisation from Charles Dickens Primary School and Nursery. To find out more, please click here.
To ask a question or get in contact with Nimble Arts, please email: info@nimblearts.co.uk