Parent Teacher Association
The school has a successful PTA and it has the following aims:
- Raising money for specific projects and resources for the school.
- Contribute to the school community through social events for parents and/or children that would also raise money.
- Getting to know other parents and teachers in an informal way is great for everyone.
- Developing a knowledge base of parents and carers’ skills, languages, and interests; so that the PTA can contribute to the school in an organised way.
As is usual every parent will be a member of the PTA automatically – and be informed of events via the school.
We welcome any involvement, and an AGM takes place in September where the PTA can agree its aims, and elect a committee.
If you want to be involved you can contribute by:
- Being a committee member – with a title (secretary, etc) or as an ordinary committee member. This means attending meetings a few times a term. Perhaps meetings at varied times may help make this easy for a variety of parents to attend – no need to come to them all.
- Helping out at events.
- Letting the PTA know what your talents are. The PTA would like to make a ‘knowledge base’ of parents’ skills and interests. If you have a special skill of any kind they would like to hear from you: this might be your line of work, language, cooking specialities, hobbies, or indeed your own history.
Please do sign up to the email list, or email on ptadickens@gmail.com to be kept up with news.