UNICEF Rights Respecting School
Our school has explicitly adopted a child rights approach based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and has embedded it in school policy, practice and culture. Children and adults in our school have a thorough understanding of child rights through regular learning in PSHCE lessons (Personal, Social, Health Citizenship) and assemblies. We use the language of rights and rights-respecting attitudes in all our curriculum work, which relates to children both in this country and abroad.
Our pupils have many opportunities to be advocates for positive change for children more widely. We have campaigned on behalf of unaccompanied child refugees, greater opportunities for the education of girls in third world countries and highlighting the links between poverty and health both in the UK and abroad.
Our school council is active in promoting children’s understanding of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child and they made this film together to share some of the rights and what they might look like in action.